Friday, February 10, 2006

Another song: Saint Etienne - "Sylvie"

This morning, grey skies, rain falling, a bit soul-weary due to early awakening (ie, 10.30am) and fun but tiring night before, wondering whether to go out or not. Song playing: "Sylvie"...

...over and over and over and over again...

...I like Saint Etienne, I really really do, but it's as much about the moods and states of mind that their music evokes (and, to a lesser extent, the times and people that I associate with that music) as the music itself. So I already hearted the song plenty but somehow "Sylvie" was exactly right this morning; I don't know why...upbeat and danceable and tuneful and delicate and pretty, and touched by that graceful wistful Saint Etienne melancholy which makes their music so lovely at its best, lyrically, it's their "Jolene" (which, for anyone who's keeping score, doesn't have any particular autobiographical resonance for me just now) - while not their best (which title still must go to "You're In A Bad Way"), it's perhaps the quintessential Saint Etienne song and, you know, sometimes a song just hits the note can lead to another.