Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Things You Need to Be Told & More Things You Need to Be Told by the Etiquette Grrls (Honore McDonough Ervin and Lesley Carlin)

Much fun, though I like the responses to readers' questions on the website more. Mostly, I read these books for the attitude, but the occasional useful bit of etiquette seeps through as well.

Many Girls of our generation appear to subsist entirely on yogurt, iceberg lettuce, and bottled water. This is quite impolite, as it connotes that they do not have The Proper Appreciation for Really Good Food that all of us who were not raised by wolves or on ashrams have. Yogurt is a slimy substance that is, to the best of the Etiquette Grrls' knowledge, a Revolting Mix of sour milk and bacteria enhanced with a Flashy Marketing Campaign. The Etiquette Grrls know better than to consume such things.

One of the Etiquette Grrls' biggest Pet Peeves is when passersby, deli clerks, and the like order the Etiquette Grrls to "Smile!" The Etiquette Grrls are Morose Types, and we only smile when we have Good Reason to Smile. Besides, we feel that anyone who goes around grinning like the Cheshire Cat all day is probably Completely Deranged. Utter Insanity is rarely the image you want to project, Dear Reader.

(in a list of things that one should never, ever do at sporting events) Jump up and down in place if you're seated on bleachers. If enough people follow you, you may all die in a Horrible Bleacher Collapse, but that's what you get for being a lemming, and don't say we didn't warn you.

Of course, also answers the important question, 'When may I chew gum?'.