Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Audreys / Four Play @ St Kilda Festival, Sunday 11 February

The Audreys were okay, I thought - not as good as I'd imagined they might have been, but still, okay, and big exposed outdoor festival stage sets are rarely great (especially when, as yesterday, it's windy as all hell). Four Play were fun - I haven't seen or listened to them before, and I liked their originals, plus the cover of "Killing In The Name" was neat (not least because it seemed, as Julian F remarked, to be at least in part poking fun at the original).

I really wasn't excited about the festival this year, and only went after no less than four people separately asked if I was (Vanessa, Penny, Wei and Jarrod); these things being what they are, everyone got held up (including me) and I only managed to hook up with Wei and Julian F, but so it goes.