Sunday, December 17, 2006

A moment: Saint Etienne - "Mr Donut"

Oh Saint Etienne, they do have a way of making me feel. This time it was the sweet, gauzey sigh of "Mr Donut", from their smashing 1998 record Good Humor (also home to "Sylvie" and "The Bad Photographer"), as I was driving home from Mulgrave late in the afternoon today. I've heard the song before, plenty of times, but today it caught at me, leaving me feeling light and wistful in the sunshine; listening to it tonight, now, lying on my bed and feeling slightly unmoored, I hear the music in bright, wispy pastels - turquoise and aquamarine and fuchsia and eggshell blue, concrete grey and motion-blurry at the edges. It's delicate and pretty and sophisticated and simple and somehow unobtrusively mournful, too, though you can never put your finger on why.