Thursday, December 21, 2006

100 favourite songs: #1: "Lazy Line Painter Jane" - Belle and Sebastian

Really, what does it mean to call any song my ‘favourite’? I’m not sure, but whatever I mean, I think that “Lazy Line Painter Jane” has to be it.

In its wryly urgent, off-kilter kind of way, the duet is six minutes of utmost genius … it has a sensibility and a gentle, unexpected delicacy … - 2/8/03

Heard it on the radio — didn’t know who it was (it was the first Belle and Sebastian song that really spoke to me) but I was enthralled.

It’s ramshackle, full of heart, rapturously joyful.

I listen to it too loud every time I listen to it.

If I had to pick one song to explain who I am, this would be it.