Thursday, September 14, 2006

Chinese Films in Focus edited by Chris Berry

Just by way of note, since actually I've only read the three essays on films which I've seen: Janice Tong reads Chungking Express in terms of its engagement with 'time' (I enjoyed this one - thought it quite insightful and it added something to my understanding of the film), Audrey Yue does In The Mood For Love (I remember Audrey fondly as the tutor of my first year cultural studies subject, and liked this piece - the insistence on the specificity and locality of the film brings some interesting things into prominence, while coexisting with some more general point-makin'), and Felicia Chan writes about the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon phenomenon (the least interesting of the three for me, focusing mostly as it did on the cultural reception/production aspects of the film rather than on 'the film itself').