Sunday, September 10, 2006

100 favourite songs: #54: "Ride The Wind To Me" - Julie Miller

[A] lovely, melodic song … which, instead of fading away after the initial infatuation, continues to work its way deeper and deeper into my heart. – 16/1/06

As the above suggests, I keep expecting this song to wear off — there are a lot of these pretty, tuneful, melancholy-edged songs sung by women with girlish voices (often with a strong country tinge), and many of them are really good, but only a handful endure after the first rush — but so far it’s shown no signs at all of doing so. I’ve heard Miller’s voice described as a ‘keen’, and that’s spot on — even when her subject matter is upbeat, she sounds as if a part of her is lamenting, and here that singing comes together with a windswept, yearning-hopeful melody and some lovely guitar work, and the result is exquisite.