Monday, September 25, 2006

The Best Of Fabienne Delsol & The Bristols

When I heard this playing in Collector's Corner the other day, I couldn't work out whether it was actually from the 60s or rather the work of one of those latter-day revivalists who're so frequently to be found plying their trade today, and decided that it didn't matter - I wanted a copy of it regardless. The record store guy who was playing it didn't know (the cd cover didn't help any, either), but he did something with his computer and hazarded a guess - since proved right by google ( having let me down) - that the band was contemporary...

One of the first hits on google suggests that the music made by Delsol (who has since gone solo) is something like a cross between that of Holly Golightly and April March, and I think that's a pretty good description of this, her old band's stuff, as far as contemporary referents go (there's a bit of Slumber Party there, too). The point, of course, is that the main referents for all of these artists' music are backwards-looking, and specifically of that decade whose music continues to gain a yet stronger hold on my imagination. There are strong elements of that primitive, strangely sinuous garage-rock sound (complete with organ-sounding keys, yay), shades of the Velvet Underground (one sees them wherever one looks, of course), and echoes (and occasionally outright reflections) of ye-ye and girl group sensibilities (Delsol's French, I think); generally topping out at around two to two and a half minutes in length and exactly the right length at it. Favourite song at present is the boppy "Questions I Can't Answer".