Friday, May 13, 2005

Wilco - Being There

Mmm...I guess that there's a bit of country in here, but I think that Being There is basically a rock and roll (double) album, and a darn good one, too, heaps of fun all the way through from slow-burn opening anthem "Misunderstood" to riotous bar-room romp closer "Dreamer In My Dreams". They're both highlights; other favourites are "Outtasite (Outta Mind)", "What's The World Got In Store" and "Sunken Treasure". Thinking about it, though, it's hard to pick individual songs out, as the record works best as a whole; I like the way the two discs kind of mirror and comment on each other, too, the second serving as a more mellow, laidback counterpoint to the first (until its closing number). One of the key things about Wilco, I think, is that they're fantastic songwriters - the melodies often aren't particularly immediate, and even once they've emerged are frequently far from memorable, but the songs stick with you.

On another note, while browsing in Readings last night, I heard "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart" and the song caught me a little bit, making me think that the time might be ripe for me to reassess YHF (a pity that I no longer have a copy of it...although something suddenly makes me think that I might still have it after all - will need to dig around and have a look for the cd. I know that I have a tape of the documentary, which I'll presumably get round to watching one day, somewhere in my room)...