Tuesday, May 03, 2005

"Excuse me...who are you?": Perfect Blue

I've never quite been able to work out why, but people often expect me to be into anime - they seem to feel that it'd be consonant with my other tastes, my personality, or possibly both. Truth be told, anime isn't a particularly big thing for me at all - sometimes I come across one that I like (not that I've seen more than half a dozen or so), but I don't generally have strong feelings either way.

Perfect Blue was pretty good, though. It's well-plotted and structured, and definitely kept me disoriented and guessing throughout (and had me thinking about it well after the closing reel, which isn't always the case with these kinds of perspective-shifting thriller type films...I'm still not sure of the significance/'reality'/nature of certain key scenes). It was psychologically sophisticated enough to keep things interesting (although the sophistication arose more from the ingenuity of the screenplay than from any particular psychological insight), and the stylish (stylised) animated format seemed particularly suited to the film's shifts and inversions between reality and fantasy, adding an extra layer of disconnectedness. Neat.