Sunday, May 08, 2005

Interjection 5: Connections

It struck me a couple of days ago that the song "Ghost World" on Bachelor No 2 must be a Clowes reference; having made that connection, I realised how perfectly Mann's typically bitter-sweet tune captures that same sense of alienation, of hanging around and watching summers waste away. The realisation made me happy - the splendidness of Ghost World the film is still fresh in my mind and "Ghost World" the song is one of the high points on one of my favourite albums, and it satisfies my sense of rightness that there should be such a close connection between the two.

Though it's rare for the connection/relationship to be as precisely apt as this one, I've come across similar links between favourites of mine from time to time. The only one I can think of just now is the smashing edition of Alice's Adventures In Wonderland/Through The Looking Glass I found a while ago, illustrated by Mervyn Peake (a perfect match, for mine) and, moreover, printed with introductions by Zadie Smith (perfect in a different way) and Will Self (less perfect, but still someone whose stuff I came across independently and quite enjoyed, if not to the extent of anything else I've mentioned in this entry).

[7/9/17: an edit to move the last para to a new home]