Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Prestige

Though he's not particularly flashy, I think that Christopher Nolan may be one of the best writer/directors going around. The comment about non-flashiness may seem an odd one to make about the guy who did Memento (The Prestige isn't exactly a straight-up concoction either), but the impression I get from watching his films (the abovementioned two, plus Insomnia and the Batman ones) is that Nolan's a consummate craftsperson; amidst all the cinematic legerdemain that highlights the films he makes, there's a rock solid technique and understanding of the basics. Watching The Prestige a second time reinforced that; knowing the architecture of the film in advance gave me a far better appreciation of the aptness of the choices that he makes at each stage, be they casting (Bowie and Andy Serkis - genius), camera angles, lighting, music or other...

(previously - and here)