Saturday, November 15, 2008

Further update / "Idiotic plot twists"

Still on track with nanowrimo, by the way: 23,421 words and with a whole weekend ahead of me - listening to the New Pornographers and enjoying the sunshine, I feel good about it.

I was just browsing the forums on the website, and came across a topic headed "Idiotic plot twists". Here are some of my favourites that people have seen fit to put up from their own current efforts, and their current word counts according to the website widget thing:

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i just had a small localized mobile black hole try to eat my character for the sake of wordcount.


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they found a way to turn people inside out and tried it on my MC...

[615,839 - I am dubious about this word count, btw]

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a character is freaking out over a file which i have just decided contains nothing of any importance at all. He nearly crashed a van in the process.
Meanwhile, my MC is living in a half occupied house (one of the occupants hasnt been seen since chapter 3) with a twelve year old girl who obviously is a nutcase and a talking bird who just emailed the MC's mum and is a major suspect in his abduction. And he doesnt realise anythings wrond despite waking up in a room full of mousetraps.


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My characters found a duck.

No, I'm not kidding.

In a post-apocolyptic world where they have only seen a few species of animals twenty years after the world died, they found a duck. Random duck, right before the beginning of the funeral of their most important leader in history. So what did they do with said duck?

They debated eating it.

But then eventually decided to follow it back to the duck nest to see if there were more; they almost missed the funeral cause they were too busy watching the fluffy little ducklings run around all awkward-like.


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My MC just got rescued from slave traders by a bunch of talking moles. Why? I couldn't tell you. Where the talking moles come from in a story where NO OTHER ANIMALS have spoken a word or been given a voice of any sort, beats me.


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Lol I totally just like Stuck in this random dog and forgot about it, literally, the dog no longer exists in my story, poof gone without explanation.

[20,034 - hey, I actually did this too, though I could never have described it in such hilarious fashion. Also, I have hopes that the dog may reappear in some more or less significant fashion...]

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Clearly animals play a big part in this kind of thing - or maybe they're just the ones that particularly appeal to me...