Saturday, May 19, 2007

Queen - Greatest Hits

There are lots of artists whose albums I feel no need to listen to, but for whom I'd quite like to own a best of; I mentioned in passing while talking to Kevin a while back that Queen are one such, and he kindly made a gift of this best of to me not long after. For me, the main point of having these collections is usually twofold - being able to listen to particular hit/famous songs whenever one feels like it, and getting a sort of high level overview of the artist's career - and it's more the first of those which is going on with Queen. Still, taken as a whole this 17-song set shows them to be a lot less overblown than I usually imagine them to be - or, perhaps more accurately, that the overblownness doesn't particularly get in the way of the songs. Most are familiar (endlessly familiar) from the radio - though I never realised that "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" is, in fact, the song of that name, nor that it was by Queen!