Monday, May 07, 2007

"The Art of Bollywood" @ NGV International

I've been aware of and reasonably interested in seeing the exhibition, but I suspect I would've missed it had Kelly not suggested we check it out over the weekend (she wanted to go in part for the subject she's tutoring). Anyway, it was fun - I didn't learn much about Indian history, culture or cinema (not that I'm particularly knowledgeable about any of the above, but sometimes these things tend to wash a bit over one, especially at the level that the material for such exhibitions is generally pitched), but I liked looking at the posters and watching the film grabs. Highlights definitely the too-very-for-words technicolour of Bobby (definite 'oh my god' factor) and the unintentional humour of the action-packed exploitsof 'fearless Nadia' (though I was disappointed I didn't get to see the whip fight atop the moving training). Also liked the two focusing on a dancer being watched by others, mainly because of the wonderfully cheesy reactions shots of the audience members (the heroic Errol Flynn-like one with the giant jaw in the first, and the somewhat puzzled-looking man and the solemnly approbatory woman in the other).