Thursday, March 10, 2005

Interjection 2: Academic readings

Although this blog is meant to constitute a fairly comprehensive chronicle of where I've been at in cultural terms, I've excluded the university-related, academic-type stuff that I've read so far this year, and intend to continue to do so, for a couple of reasons - it's not really the sort of material that I intended to cover here, and, in any case, I don't want to feel the need to come up with something insightful to say about every single piece of academic writing that I'm exposed to (and there'll be plenty of them over the rest of the year!), especially given how quickly these entries are, of necessity, written. No doubt I'll make an exception for particularly interesting pieces, and how this will work if the Lit part of my honours degree ever requires me to actually read any literature, I don't know - but, those bridges to be crossed as I come to them, that's the plan for now.