Saturday, February 12, 2005

Lucinda Williams - Car Wheels On A Gravel Road

More wonderful Lucinda - possibly the best of the three to which I've so far listened. At first, the opening run - "Right in Time", "Car Wheels on a Gravel Road", "2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten" - overshadowed everything that came after it for me, with the rest of the record all seeming a bit 'samey' in its working of that mid-tempo country vibe, but Car Wheels has had plenty of spins in toto over the last week or so, having been on repeat for much of that time, and I like it more with each listen (as was the case with Essence, it took a while for the subtle variations in melody, rhythm and instrumentation to sink in, although the process with Car Wheels has taken place over a week, as opposed to the couple of years involved with Essence).

Dusty roads, dirty waystations and broken hearts; relaxed in feel, but it still yearns. This stuff really has gotten under my skin, in the best possible way.