Sunday, February 27, 2005


So, I very much enjoyed this movie (which I saw with Sid), even if I haven't the faintest idea of what was going through the film-makers' minds when they made it. It's been a long time since I saw a film that was so ridiculous and OTT, and such a mish-mash of different styles and moods. On the one hand, Constantine seems to have pretensions to being a serious, 'cinematic' horror/fantasy flick (complete with genuine noir trimmings, an impressive hell, and actual demons), and yet it constantly undercuts itself with some truly dreadful touches (the caricatured Q-esque weapons/supplies expert and the advertising billboards carrying ridiculously unsubtle 'messages' for Constantine especially jarred, causing me to wonder if they were meant to be jokes) - possibly its origins as a comic book series are showing.

But while in some ways it's all a bit of a mess, Constantine is great fun to watch - the special effects are top-notch, the sets look great, the fights and action sequences are exciting and frequent, Keanu is perfect for the central role, Rachel Weisz is good as usual, and Peter Stormare makes a fantastic Lucifer...

Oh, and in a definite bonus, the angel Gabriel, who's probably my favourite character, is extremely attractive (especially when s/he first appears, in a suit)!