Sunday, February 20, 2005

Interjection 1: Names, contexts

When I started this blog, I wanted to keep it focused on recording the various (pop) cultural experiences which I was to have, and to avoid it turning into any kind of confessional or diaristic-type thing. But maintaining a really rigorous distinction between culture/art and the personal was always going to be difficult, for of course art can't be separated from its context and one's personal experience of it, etc - and so naturally some personal/contextual details have crept in as I've gone along.

One such type of detail which I've hitherto deliberately left out has been the name(s) of relevant people, but that omission has distinctly impoverished these entries, and I've since repented of it. So, to make up for lost time: I saw I ♥ Huckabees with David, Michelle and Adrian H; the Morricone-themed gig was with Wei; the "Grotesque" exhibition was with David again (who also picked Blindness for me, possibly on the same day); John-Paul is the fan of The Ill-Made Mute; and the visit to the Immigration Museum was with Laura (who'd also given me In Custody a couple of months earlier)...and that's it, I think.