Sunday, May 27, 2018

Going Down (Malthouse)

A fun show that hits its bases with verve, elevated by a terrific cast and neat staging. Hyper-local inner north / hipster-adjacent (or outright immersed) Melbourne mores plus some of the specificities of being Asian-Australian / of migrant background in that context, all of which is very piquant and recognisable for me; of course, the irony and appropriateness (the two go hand in hand here) of seeing it at the Malthouse is embraced, while important settings include the Wheeler Centre and (for a sleeplessness/sugar high/accidental crossing south of the river-induced Marimekko-involving breakdown) Emporium. To be honest I found it a tiny bit broad and loose at points, especially as it moved towards resolution of its various threads, but given its many other great qualities those things were easy to ignore.

(w/ Hayley)