Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Fantastic Woman

Summary thoughts:

1. It made me identify - at least to the extent possible via watching a film - with Marina, a trans woman, and specifically the constant sense of threat and anxiety she faces, but also the love and loss she feels in relation to her partner. It felt truthful to me, but then what do I know?
2. Re: the above, I'd like to know how the film has been received by members of the trans community. In general, and including the sauna scene.
3. The plotting is a bit stumbly and I'm not really convinced by the various fantasy elements (although the final appearance of Orlando's spectre does pay off).
4. The treatment of grief doesn't rise above the generic, although it's well enough done, and admittedly the situation is not standard, given the number of obstacles and additional emotional hardships she faces in the process.
5. Despite the several reservations above, I'm very glad I saw it, if for no other reason than that it's a story and experience that isn't mine but which should be represented more, and I did think it was sensitively done.

(w/ Hayley)