Thursday, May 21, 2009

Insignificant Things

I do wonder sometimes if I might be becoming a bit set in my ways...Steph emailed NV and I about hitting the Spanish film festival (this apparently being the official one, as opposed to the 'La Mirada' one that we did a few weeks ago); upon me nominating Insignificant Things and a few others as possibilities, she remarked that she'd thought I would pick it out of the program (description here).

Anyway, we saw it last night (M, too) and it was what I'd thought it would be - a quiet but unabashedly affect-laden invocation of sadness in modern society, and done well. It's not one that I think will stay with me (it's ultimately a bit indistinct and overly familiar), but I did like it a fair bit, and it has a humanity which keeps it grounded amidst all the wispy cinema-poetics.