Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Rock 'n' Roll" (Tom Stoppard) (MTC)

My first MTC outing this year, having subscribed for '08 as part of Steph and Sunny's troupe, and quite possibly the one about which I've been most enthused, it being a Stoppard and all, and not only that, but also being about (a) revolution; (b) communism and (c) (but of course) rock 'n roll.

Well, I liked it well enough, but in the end the play didn't do that much for me. I found it a bit stagey - a fault which resided partly with the actors (it didn't help that Matthew Newton's Jan reminded me entirely incongruously of Manny from Black Books (manner of talking, hair, and, as Ben K pointed out, wardrobe)) but lay primarily in the play itself, I think. The first half was rather overly schematic, particularly in terms of the laying out of the various perspectives on (a), (b) and to a lesser extent (c) by way of their exemplifying characters; the second half moved a bit more, the characters and ideas better coming to life; the ending really didn't satisfy me at the time, but with a bit of distance, it's better than I'd initially thought...