Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kelly Clarkson @ Rod Laver Arena, Tuesday 4 March

I'd been anticipating this more than I do most shows - I don't see much out and out Pop live, and I really expected Kelly to be an experience, particularly given how much I listened to Breakaway over the second half of last year. Lest there be any doubt, there's not a smidgeon of ironic or postmodern expectation of kitsch, etc - this is all grounded in genuine love of pop music done well.

So anyway, it was pretty much what I wanted it to be without quite being the bee's knees. I got to hear the songs I really wanted to hear, and she's definitely got a powerful voice...but the sound wasn't as full as one might hope (a bit of a problem with the venue as much as anything else, I suspect) and for the most part she seemed to more be belting the songs out rather than imbuing them with any particular expressiveness - so while it was good, it wasn't the, y'know, spectacular spectacular that I'd thought it might be.

* * *

Supports Mandy Moore and Sean Kingston - both worth the seein', in this context, anyway.

(w/ Steph)