Saturday, November 11, 2006

"Six Good Reasons to Stay at Home: Hiraki Sawa Video Works" @ NGV International

Have been feeling quite abstracted lately, and also fairly antisocial (like, even more so than usual), which has translated into plenty of gallery time, mostly in the NGV's permanent collections, gazing at favourites. But I also thought that this video exhibition might be interesting - six works, 4 to 9ish minutes in length, mostly shot in Sawa's apartment, magical goings-on taking place when no one is present (tiny animals and naked human figures migrating in self-absorbed, unconcerned columns, model aeroplanes criss-crossing in unhurried flight paths) all very deadpan and whimsical and mysterious, like a Chris van Allsburg book come to life (especially the large, colour, three-screen one - "Going places sitting down"). Repetitive and lulling, and rather nice.