Sunday, July 09, 2006

Helium - Pirate Prude

Fuzzy sharp-edged crashing waves of guitar noise with Mary Timony's reedy voice weaving uncertain skeins through and around, all things fiery, lo-fi and epic; melodies like falling tears in a hard autumn rain. On this record, at least (1994; Matador), Helium make music something like the way a cross between Siamese Dream-era Pumpkins (and especially songs like "Today", "Hummer" and "Mayonaise") and Mira would sound (maybe with a bit of Throwing Muses tossed in for good measure). For basically as long as I've liked 'alternative' music, I've been wired to respond to this kind of stuff - and, as far as that goes, Pirate Prude is pretty damn great. Four long songs and two shorter ones, all excellent.