Sunday, July 23, 2006

100 favourite songs


Songs that I have definitely thought of as my Favourite Song Ever at some point, more or less in order: "#1 Crush" (Garbage); "Lightning Crashes" (Live); "Spark" (Tori Amos); "Creep" (Radiohead); "Wish You Were Here" (Pink Floyd); "Paranoid Android" (Radiohead); "Love Will Tear Us Apart" (Joy Division); "Lorelei" (Cocteau Twins); "Lazy Line Painter Jane" (Belle and Sebastian).

Anyway, it won't surprise anyone when I say that I've always been a very listy person, and music has always lent itself to that pursuit. Some years ago, inspired by triple j's annual hottest 100 countdowns (oh, those were the days!), I started keeping a list of my favourite 100 songs, updating it sporadically; all part of the personal canon-building...there are periods when the list doesn't seem particularly meaningful any more, for whatever reason, but I'm glad to know that it's still there somewhere on the hard drive.

So I was thinking that now might be a good time to revisit that list, and to make something of a project out of writing about each of the resultant current 100 faves ("current 100 faves of all time", natch). I've noticed before that reading something I've written in the past about music or literature that I really like will often remind me of the reasons for that liking in the first place (especialy the handful that I've turned out for epinions over the years), and hopefully the writeups of songs to follow will serve that purpose in the future. Often, I'll have written about them before, and in some cases many times, so there's likely to be a bit of self-quotation and self-referencing going on; also, given the strongly associative nature of many of these favourite songs, stay posted for a likely going-out-the-window of the frequently avowed and always only approximately adhered-to "no extraneous/revealing references to personal life" rule for extemporanea...