Saturday, January 14, 2006

Song of the moment: Rilo Kiley - "Portions For Foxes"

Shiny indie poptastic wonderfulness, and how's this for an opening lyrical flurry:

Blood in my mouth cause I've been biting my tongue all week/ I keep on talking trash but I never say anything/ And the talking leads to touching/ and the touching leads to sex/ and then there is no mystery left/ and it's bad news ...

The other songs that I've heard off this new album aren't really all that, but I must admit that I'm tempted to buy it anyway.

The other couple of songs currently on particularly high rotation are both Scandinavian pop things: the Cardigans' "I Need Some Fine Wine And You, You Need To Be Nicer" and Robyn's "Be Mine!".

Hurray, pop music!