Thursday, September 08, 2005

Martha Argerich - Début Recital (Chopin/Brahms/Liszt/Ravel/Prokofiev) / Liszt: Sonata in B Minor

One advantage of: (a) refusing to celebrate one's birthday; and (b) having an array of scattered friends whom one doesn't always see all that often, is that birthday presents trickle in for weeks and sometimes months after the date itself. So, this, from Laura. Quite a bit outside my usual listening horizon - generally when I listen to 'classical' (which isn't that often in the first place), it's either symphonic or in the fairly contemporary, minimalistic or minimalist-influenced style of Pärt, etc, as opposed to solo piano music like this) but I like it, particularly the Prokofiev ("Toccata op. 11", if anyone's keeping track). Apparently this (DG) recording is quite legendary, but of course that doesn't mean much to me in a direct sense...