Wednesday, July 13, 2005

JJL and other celebrity crushes

Having managed to watch three Leigh films in the last two nights, I've been thinking about celebrity crushes (I've done my little disquisition on this general subject, or at least on a particular sub-species thereof, the indie-rock crush, elsewhere) - it's always nice to have at least a couple of these. But the list is pretty short, really - Leigh's the main one, and I'm finding it hard to think of any others. Audrey Tautou, maybe, but that's more an Amelie thing than anything else. Zadie Smith, but only while I'm reading White Teeth and for a few days after I finish the book. Dorothy Parker, perhaps, if it's possible to crush on someone who was dead before one was born (and in any case that probably owes much to Mrs Parker and the Vicious Circle). Aimee Mann? Juliette Binoche? Well, not really...and I think that's it.