Saturday, August 19, 2017

Emily Witt - Future Sex

To some degree, the chapter titles tell the story: Expectations, Internet Dating, Orgasmic Meditation, Internet Porn, Live Webcams, Polyamory, Burning Man, Birth Control and Reproduction, and Future Sex. Witt is a sharp observer and, at her best, a terrifically crisp writer, and the insight and nuance that she brings to sketching out the aspects of modern global western well-to-do youngish person-ness with which I'm (very) familiar both helped to orient me and inclined me to trust that her descriptions of contemporarily future-oriented facets and approaches to relationships, desire and sex that in many cases stretch well beyond my - and most people's! - experience were also on point.

The perspective is definitely female, but in a way that's inclusive and open. It's an inherently interesting topic, and her starting - and end - point of questioning the mismatch between the still prevalent assumption that monogamous love is the ultimate aim and the actual dating etc experience of increasing numbers of thirty-somethings today is intriguing; although this is generally more tacit than explicit, she's good on locating her personal reportage in broader social and technological currents.