Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jenny and Johnny @ East Brunswick Club, Thursday 10 February

Similar set to the one they played at Laneway (understandable given that they only have one record to draw on, plus Lewis' solo back catalogue), with a few added - including a rousing version of "Carpetbaggers" and a very stripped back and slowed down "Silver Lining" (it's obvious that Lewis has thoroughly left her old band behind - it was the only Rilo Kiley song they played, and as it was she forgot the words). Rilo Kiley are actually quite a big band for me, and I've followed Jenny Lewis since because she really is a star; there was nothing here to set my world alight, but it was a relaxed, enjoyable gig, played in hot, sticky conditions at the East Brunswick, with the added novelty of there seemingly being some kind of back stage issues, leading to the band taking and leaving the stage through the crowd, along the near wall.

(w/ Hayley and Meribah)