Saturday, May 03, 2008

Patty Griffin - Children Running Through & live @ the Palais, Friday 28 March

Bought the cd - my first of hers - in anticipation of the show, having been carried along by Kevin's momentum. It's a much more diverse affair than I'd anticipated, but all of the ground she covers, she covers well, from airy, Eva Cassidy-styled folk wisps through blues 'n soul infused jams to classic stripped back country ballads and rollicking bar-room rockers - and that's just the first four songs! It all works, partly because the girl knows how to write a song, and partly because - damn - the girl can sing.

It comes through on the album, but just how great a singer she is wasn't fully apparent until the, her voice was simply magnificent. Were it not for the sheer unlikelihood of this happening, I would have been convinced that she was miming to a pre-recorded track - it seemed unfathomable that one person could be producing so rich, pure and expressive a sound...yeah, it was somethin', and a very solid show through and through.

Listening to Children Running Through, I initially got stuck on the sun-dazed "Burgundy Shoes" before the upbeatness of "No Bad News" replaced it in my affections - pleasingly, that latter drew the biggest response from the crowd at the's definitely one of my personal anthems so far for this year; also, and somewhat oddly, it's pretty similar to the AF's "Keep the Car Running" - which is no bad thing, of course.