Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Theory Trading Cards created by David Gauntlett

Chris T showed me his set of these a couple of years ago, with the comment that I would like them, and he was dead right. I didn't look particularly closely at the time, but I recently bought my own deck and have am delighted by the set (I've always had a bit of a thing for cards...one day I really will learn how to use that tarot deck that I was given years ago). Loosely mimicking the various trading card games going around, it advertises itself as a "21 card set featuring the most important social and cultural theorists of our time" - Foucault, Deleuze, Butler, Derrida, de Beauvoir, Adorno, Althusser, Lyotard, Baudrillard, Freud, and others. There's a headshot of each, and 'strengths', 'weaknesses' and 'special skills', as well as some more discursive detail on the flip side (Pierre Bourdieu, for example --> Strengths: Analysed class in intelligent new way. Weaknesses: For a people's hero, not very accessible. Special skills: Thoughtful, politically engaged sociology). Great fun. Also, why did no one ever tell me that I share a birthday with Derrida (v. exciting!) and Benjamin - 15 July, both of them?