Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tori Amos: Video Collection - Fade To Red

Watching this was a real trip down memory lane, back to the days when I adored Tori. I think that even then I was aware of and a bit put off by her sheer self-absorption, and that's something which comes through very clearly in these videos, none of which I'd seen before except "Spark" (downloaded back in the time when that was still unusual) and "Crucify" (caught on rage once, years ago) - she is everywhere in them, front and centre, as dramatic (histrionic) as you could wish. I was a bit disappointed that the videos don't particularly reflect the colour schemes of the album covers - I tend to do this a lot in general, but with Tori albums in particular (and especially venus and choirgirl) I very much think of the music in the same tones as the colours of their respective covers.