Saturday, April 21, 2007

So Frenchy So Chic - 2005 & 2007

Bec P set me up with these, seemingly mainly for the sharin'. The 2005 set has struck me more than the '07 one - the songs on it seem much more distinct, not necessarily in the sense of being more differentiable from each other, but rather in that they tend to be more intrinsically memorable in their own rights. Anyhow, some favourites across the two sets:
* the two which kick off the 2005 disc, Helena's "Né Dans La Nature" and Keren Ann's "End Of May", both touched with shades of Francoise et al
* also the third on that disc, in a different vein, "Qui De Nous Deux" by M, which I've definitely heard before (one doesn't quickly forget that kind of crooning)
* the rainy-day moodiness (apt of course, given the title) of Daniel Darc's "La Pluie Qui Tombe"
* Fabienne Del Sol's take on "Laisse Tomber Les Filles"
* the skittery dream-brood of Mansfield TYA's "Pour Oublier Je Dors" (I really do wonder about the extent to which I'm taking my cues for these responses/descriptions from the titles of the songs)
* Rose's "La Liste"
* Dominique A's "Dans Un Camion" (another I've heard before)

Actually, I've heard bits of the 2005 one before. Hanging around with Sarah V - the only real live French person I've actually meaningfully known (I think) - one time, the subject of music came up, and it was one of the cds that she picked for listening in Basement Discs...if memory serves, she liked "Qui De Nous Deux" (that was probably where I previously heard it, actually) and also Paris Combo's "Baguée" and "Poêmes" by Les Hurlements De Léo, and I definitely recall the disgusted face she made when I said that I'd heard and liked "Laisse Tomber Les Filles" when it came on.