Saturday, August 03, 2019

"Turning Points: Contemporary Photography from China" (NGV International)

The most striking feature of this small-medium size exhibition is how many of the photos are directly engaged with the relationship between past and present, whether by comparison to ancient culture or in highlighting changes over a single lifetime or generation - with that also being the most prominent means of political commentary.

Wang Qingsong - "Preincarnation" (2002)

Yang Yongliang - "Eclipse" (2008) - the 'mountains' are digital collages of modern Shanghai city buildings and construction sites

Wang Fen - "On the wall: Guangzhou (4)" (2002) - not as direct as the others I was thinking of, but working with similar dynamics in relation to change and 'progress', and as it happens my favourite, not least because to me it seems to take the form of a question.