Thursday, March 14, 2019

Neko Case @ Melbourne Recital Centre, Wednesday 13 March

Good, if with less energy than might have been the case in less buttoned-down surrounds. She ranged across her formidable back catalogue, with a natural and not unwelcome focus on Hell-On, which reminded me how deep and great that back catalogue is, what a country singer she always has been and still is, and how wonderful it is to re-encounter classics like "Deep Red Bells", "Margaret Vs Pauline", "Hold On, Hold On" and "This Tornado Loves You" live. And it taught me how great some of those songs can sound with up to four or five guitars on stage (not even including bass) - especially "Man".

Hell-On continues to stand up to the best of her previous albums, and songs like "Last Lion of Albion", "Halls of Sarah", "Bad Luck", "Curse of the I-5 Corridor", "Gumball Blue" and "Oracle of the Maritimes" all punched through while feeling of a piece with the highlights she picked from further back, which included "Look For Me (I'll Be Around)", "Maybe Sparrow", her cover of "Loretta", "The Pharoahs", "Calling Cards" and (set closer) "Ragtime".

Support from Laura Jean, who seemed v.g. and appealingly real.

(previously live in 2007 and 2010; longer history here)

(w/ R and Hayley + Hayley's friend Kate, who it turned out I also knew slightly)