Friday, February 08, 2019

Mitski @ Corner Hotel, Thursday 7 February

Nice show. Most of her songs are about three minutes long, so in a bit over an hour she got through basically the whole of Be the Cowboy and Puberty 2, plus a fair lot from Bury Me at Makeout Creek (which I haven't listened to but now feel I should) and elsewhere. Mitski herself was instrument-less but performed throughout with physical movements that were much of a piece with the expressivity of her songs; there was a lot of crowd singing along, which I thought was a testament to her ability to capture slices of twenty-something experience in her music. The songs came through well live, with the ones that are good on record basically being the same live; it didn't really shed new light on any songs in particular, though I was struck anew by how much of an anthem "A Pearl" is.

(w/ R)