Thursday, May 11, 2017

"Van Gogh and the Seasons" (NGV) - first look

This was a Melb Uni volunteers and alumni evening 'preview' so quite crowded; I'll be back for another pass-through, but I had a good enough look tonight to enjoy it. The inclusion of a number of Japanese woodblock prints of the type that inspired van Gogh in his use of colour was a nice touch, including their arrangement by season to mirror the exhibition of van Gogh's own works.

I hadn't realised that he only painted actively for ten years (1880 to 1890), although it makes sense once pointed out, given his early death. Nor had I known how interested he was in peasants and their work on the land - which this exhibition connects to his particular interest in the different seasons - as subjects, or the way that early on he was resistant to bright colours ("if browns, blacks and ochres were good enough for Rembrandt, they're good enough for me") before his later change of heart. Anyway, much more to explore here.

(w/ Erandathie)