Thursday, April 27, 2017

Bits and pieces along Flinders Lane

A bit of time between appointments so I browsed my way down to the Treasury end.

At Flinders Lane Gallery, Josh Robbins, "Bonjour Mamacita". Colourful bird pageantry.

At fortyfivedownstairs, Gavin Brown, "Market Market". Also big on colours, though in a different way; Cambodia, and lively.

At Arc One, Murray Fredericks, "Vanity". Very appealing! Like the ones above, engagingly large format. The brochure references Merleau-Ponty and the idea of the Ganzfeld effect (which I previously came across via James Turrell) and the disorienting yet beautiful and thoroughly experiential effects that Fredericks creates with his photos and their staging with facing mirrors make for a new take on the horizon.