Friday, August 19, 2016

"How Soon Is Now": Mojo presents 15 tracks of modern independent music

Well the Smiths/Morrissey influence is clearer for some than for others but this is an enjoyable compilation.

There's a new Lush song (!), recognisable from the very first bar (and interestingly sounding more like their first lp Spooky than the ones that came after ... though maybe it's kind of splitting hairs when all of them were basically a full two decades ago), and quite a bit of shoegazey stuff through the mid-section of the compilation (Ian William Craig's "A Single Hope" is particularly majestic).

Also two eccentric singer-songwriter types at the start are ace: Ezra Furman's "Haunted Head" and Meilyr Jones' "How to Recognise a Work of Art". And airy closer Haley Bonar's "I Can Change".