Friday, April 08, 2016

Jeff Buckley - You and I

Actually it took time for Jeff Buckley to really grow on me - I came to Grace late, and more or less at the same time as Sketches for my Sweetheart the Drunk - but his music has wound up being important to me in the same way that it is for so many others, and so I was curious to listen to this set of kind-of demos recorded in 1993 as an early calling card, just guitar and voice, and nearly all covers (though there's a well-developed "Grace"). It's not revelatory, but it's tinged with that special something that characterises all of his music; most interesting for me is the Smiths pair, "The Boy With The Thorn in His Side" and "I Know It's Over" (especially that second one)...also, you'd think that Jeff Buckley doing "Just Like A Woman" would be pretty great, but disappointingly, it's not especially memorable.