Thursday, November 06, 2014

Bits and pieces, reprises

Found in one of the many small notebooks that I've bought in a miscellany of gallery/museum stores so as to have something to write in, having been caught without the standing 'art' notebook of the time - this one from the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin, July 2011:

The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary picture is repeated without end. It is the highest emblem in the cipher of the world.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

It was in relation to Richard Long; also, a reminder of my own Romantic sensibilities, often obscured nowadays by other artistic etc modes of experience and understanding.

* * *

A while ago - maybe six months or a year back - I woke up with a tune running through my head, as if I'd just been dreaming it. It wasn't one of those that slipped wispily away almost as soon as waking life asserted itself, but rather hung around for a day or two - but I couldn't place it, partly because it didn't come with any words. Fast forward to last weekend, Saturday night around 10pm, stopped into Brunswick Street Bookstore for a quick browse on my way out to a drink; I was the only person in the store (apart from the girl at the counter), and it was that song playing on the system..."Body on the Water", it turns out (Luluc - Dear Hamlyn).