Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Cherry Orchard (MTC)

Tricky, this one. The tone was a bit uneven, or perhaps difficult to consistently discern, not so much slipping between tragedy and comedy as seemingly partaking of both at the same time throughout (also, the set had something of a sense of the hyper-real); relatedly, the emotional register was a bit unclear, making me wonder if there would be a big payoff in the play's second half - but then, there wasn't (not even a firing of the gun). And yet something about it interested me, made me intuit as much as intellectually understand that there was something going on that was worth engaging with - it felt like good theatre. And, of course, I'm inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt given how good The Wild Duck was - another Simon Stone take on a canonical playwright.

(w/ Cass, Erandathie and Andreas)