Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lost season 6

It's striking that, as Lost becomes more overtly supranatural, particularly over the course of this sixth (and final) season, it also comes to seem increasingly concrete and literal - I suppose it's that the answers that the show finally provides are, indeed, answers, but answers arising from causes and explanations that are inherently anti-realistic (or, at least, beyond the bounds of the consensus view of reality).

I have mixed feelings about the wrap-up - on the one hand, I'm glad that there is, indeed, an explanation of sorts, and I think that the way the show resolves, including the dual narrative running through this season, is faithful to the overall structure, narrative logic and thematic preoccupations set up in seasons 1 through 5, but on the other hand I could wish that things were less clear-cut, more puzzling, more open-ended (though had that last wish been granted, no doubt it would have been even more unsatisfying).

All up, I'm glad I've gone on the journey offered by Lost. For me, ultimately, it's about the story and the mystery - the metaphysics, such as they are, are a bonus. But all told, it is something out of the ordinary - I'll miss it.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)