Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lost season 1

I've said before, only a little bit facetiously, that everything I know about television, I learned from my friends; with the recent exception of 30 Rock, every tv show into which I've made serious inroads (at least during what it pleases me to call my 'adult' life) has been evangelically recommended and/or more or less forcibly lent or given to me by a friend beforehand. Lost is no exception, coming to me through Jon with a pretty much unreserved recommendation, and while I've watched it a bit in fits and starts, I've definitely got into it. I like the mystery and the somewhat high-falutin' themes of coincidence, fate, chance, choice, etc, and, so far at least, the show has carried me with it through its increasingly unlikely twists and turns, while maintaining my interest amidst the array of flashbacks, unexplained loose ends, and rather implausible happenings. I want to find out what happens at the end - but, more than that, I also want to see what happens along the way.