Tuesday, January 20, 2009

L D Beghtol - 69 Love Songs

One of the 33 1/3 series on landmark pop albums; possibly the only one written by a member of the band that recorded the album in question, and certainly the first in the series that I've read. (As attractive as the books are in many ways - and deal though they do with many of my favourites - I've always preferred not to know too much about the circumstances in which the music that I like was recorded, and generally don't find it rewarding to read others' exegeses or blow-by-blow accounts of the songs themselves.)

The first part is comprised of an indiosyncratic glossary of terms used in 69 Love Songs; the second is a track by track, including various technical information and comments by band members and interested others. All up, it has much of the tone and feel of the album(s) - arch, erudite, amused, engaging - and sheds considerable light on the music without, happily, giving anything essential away.