Friday, January 30, 2009

China Miéville - The Scar

Airplane reading (along with starting Cyptonomicon) on the Vancouver-SF-HK-Melbourne return series of flights. It doesn't lose anything in the re-reading; there's a lot going on in Miéville's novels which is easy to miss on first (and even second) pass amidst the dizzying fecundity of his imagination. I do wonder what the next New Crobuzon (or related) book will take as its focus - it strikes me that all of the first three (this is the second, after Perdido Street Station and before Iron Council) have one particular endlessly moving built environment at their centre (here, the astonishing floating city, Armada), which I suppose stands in for (capitalist) society as a whole in his works' schemas [pl?].

(last time)