Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Last Town Chorus - Wire Waltz

A nice little record - the Last Town Chorus seems to basically be Megan Hickey, and the textures of her songs tend to be dominated by her voice (sweet, and one of those which seems always to have a bit of a catch in it) and by the vibrato of her slide guitar, accented by guitars of the acoustic and electric varieties (the latter being a particular feature of her marvellous cover of "Modern Love" and during the epic trail-off of album highlight "It's Not Over"), with only hints of percussion, bass and occasionally piano or organ.

Loosely, I suppose she fits within the sort of folk-country nocturne thing, often tinged with a quietly gothic flavour, that a few acts have had going in recent times - Azure Ray in particular - and the vocals and melodies remind me of the Dearhunters, too.